FP KIDS MUSIC - Wednesdays

FP Kids Music meets on Wednesdays from 5:30-6:15pm! (September - April)

K-2nd will meet in the Resource Room

3-5th will meet in the Chapel

*Check- in for Choir (& additional WNL activities) will be at the West Entrance Check-In Table from 5:15-5:30pm

Meet The Teachers…

Phyllis Owen (K-2nd) Alleluia Choir

Hello singing friends!

My name is Phyllis Owen and I will be teaching the Alleluia Choir! I’ve been a member at FP for 45 years and have worked with Christian Ed and Children and Youth Choirs for 30+ years. As a retired K-12 vocal music teacher from LPS, I continue to work in a happy place here at FP teaching choir and being with your singers.

Mary Daugherty (3rd-5th) Choristers

Mary Daugherty is a pianist, singer, and conductor from Rochester, NY. She directs choral groups of all ages, and especially enjoys working with young voices. She holds degrees in Piano Performance and Choral Conducting and will complete her doctorate in Choral Conducting at UNL this spring. When she is not teaching or performing, Mary enjoys researching Native American music and traveling with her husband, Andrew.